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Will State Farm Insure A House With Aluminum Wiring

Will State Farm Insure A House With Aluminum Wiring

State Farm will insure a house with aluminum wiring, but they may charge higher rates or require certain modifications.

Homebuilders often used aluminum wiring in the 1960s and 1970s. However, aluminum wiring is more prone to corrosion and overheating than copper wiring, which is the standard wiring in homes today. As a result, aluminum wiring is considered a fire hazard.

As long as the wiring is in good condition and certain safety measures are in place, State Farm is willing to insure homes with aluminum wiring.

The State Farm’s position on aluminum wiring is as follows:

There are several factors that can affect State Farm’s approach to insuring homes with aluminum wiring:

Remediation and inspection:

If concerns are raised about aluminum wiring, State Farm may require a thorough inspection of the electrical system. If concerns are raised, they may require the homeowner to address and remedy these issues.

The remediation of copper pigtails is as follows:

Copper pigtails are short sections of copper wire connected to aluminum wiring at receptacles, switches, and other connection points. State Farm might accept coverage if this remediation method is used.

Replacement in full:

State Farm may insist on replacing aluminum wiring with copper in some cases as this is considered to be the most long-term solution.

In conclusion

A house with aluminum wiring can be insured by State Farm, but they may charge higher rates or require certain modifications before they will issue a policy. If you are planning to buy a home with aluminum wiring, you should talk to your State Farm agent about coverage options and rates.

Additional tips for insuring a home with aluminum wiring:

  • You should be honest with your insurance agent about the wiring’s condition.

  • Compare multiple insurance quotes.

  • Purchasing additional coverage, such as liability and fire insurance, may be a good idea.

  • Regularly have the wiring inspected by a qualified electrician.

You can make sure that your aluminum-wired home is properly insured by following these tips.

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